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Episode 48: Helping Others Embrace Change

change podcast Nov 22, 2022

We are facing some changes in our ministry. It's exciting for some, scary for others. What ideas do you have for how to keep the change going forward and bring people along?

One of the challenges of leadership is guiding a group of people through change. People have different needs during change. Different perspectives on what should change or how it would change. Let’s add to that the reality that change is always happening around us. 

Here to answer this leader’s question on bringing people along for the change is Markus Watson who is a seasoned pastor, host of Spiritual Life and Leadership podcast and author of Beyond Thingification: Helping Your Church Engage in God’s Mission.

Hear More About:

  • Investing in your early adopters while caring for those with hesitation
  • Listening and asking good questions to engage conversation all along 
  • A story of reflection and direction dinners using appreciative inquiry listening to bring people along in the story of change. Change is coming out of conversations
  • A leader's job is to hold space for people’s anxiety even when it’s targeted toward the leader
  • Finding your self worth in your relationship with God instead of pleasing people
  • The power of listening God, listening to people and listening to community
  • Using experiments to test ideas, reduce anxiety and involve people in the change
  • Giving people permission to be creative and think outside the box
  • Embracing we are God's beloved and don’t need to prove ourselves

“I think a lot of times when people feel heard, they're more willing to be open, even if it's not the outcome that they wouldn't necessarily choose for themselves.” 

“You've built enough of a healthy relationship and listened to them. And they have felt heard, and they have felt like they're part of the process so that they can eventually come along.” 

“People don't resist change. People resist loss, right? You have to help them grieve the loss of whatever it was.”

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